1. Window
35mm Slide Installation
Using direct-animation techniques (where marks are made directly onto film surfaces) this multi-image slide show utilizes 4x Kodak Ektagraphic Slide Projectors on continuous auto-loop. The result is a stream-of-consiousness style haptic image show which can only be experienced together— in real-time, real-space. Each 35mm slide is crafted by hand through a variety of mixed media methods. Roscolux gels & collaged film stock are used as a base. Scratching, painting, burning, and collaging are all game. Now at 30% completion, in the end this work will include a 320x slide library. In addition to the handmade slides, the library will also include archival 35mm images from my maternal-grandfathers collection as well as guest artists’ slides generated from quarterly “Slide Parties”.
See the most recent updates and process of this project here.
See the most recent updates and process of this project here.
2. Circle
Mixed Media Film (:15)Circle as an originator of life. Circle as the first shape we see upon birth (the pupil and the sun). Circle as a void or a portal. In these documented and staged vignettes using simple household objects the profundity of circle is explored. Sound ripples in coffee, your neighbor through a peephole, and in some strange steamed ether-soup? Circles live everywhere. Made between 2017-2018 this film is a part of a mixed-media series that uses alchemaic & natural geometry source texts to study the language of shapes and symbols.
See more explorations of a circle + other shapes/symbols here.
3. Shadow
Stop-Motion Animation (1:27)A shadow takes it's first steps inwards towards self... encountering both it's pain & potential. In this film a frame-by-frame sand animation technique is used by making small incremental changes in grains of sand and photographing it from above. This technique was created in the 1970’s pioneering animator Caroline Leaf. In homage to the transformations that one can make in both the material and immaterial realm, this film was born. It was completed in 2024 and fuses mixed techniques: including sand, pixelation, table-top and paper animation as well as reflexive documentary footage.
See the animation process of the film here.
4. Symbols
Mixed-Media Illustrations
See the full archive of symbols here.
Much like symbolic objects in dreams, this collection of drawings were made in order to process or recall information that might otherwise lost between the rational and instinctive parts of the mind. Made over a series of years, this growing index is a retroactive archive that acts as the foundation for my practice.
Central to this growing archive is the notion that pictures pre-date
Much like symbolic objects in dreams, this collection of drawings were made in order to process or recall information that might otherwise lost between the rational and instinctive parts of the mind. Made over a series of years, this growing index is a retroactive archive that acts as the foundation for my practice.
language. A long time ago... petroglyphs carried essential messages, ideas, and states of being. They are still around today. These pictures aren’t in rock, and probably won’t be around in 100 years. But they were made with whatever materials I could find and they capture the things I think are eternal.
5. Loops
Stop-Motion Animations (:13)
🌸 A flower blooms in hardship, 🕯️ duality candles intertwine. 🚪I see the doors from homes: past/present, 🌏 as distant earth spins, spins in time. ⏰ A clock that never ends it’s counting. ⭐ A spark, released back to the sky. 🪜A ladder leading us to heavens, 🔁 eternity whispers "where am I?👋
This collection of stop-motion animated loops were executed during a global pandemic in the Fall of 2020. This series was born with the aim to explore symbolic content while staying sheltered in place. The project utilized varied animation techniques with simple mediums such as plasticine, cardboard, paper, acetate, and wood. Each loop was created from a set that could fit on a table top. Loops were executed with a house-hold made production kit: vellum over desk lights and neon posterboards & recycled acetate as backdrops. It marked the beginning of my conscious focus to develop my own visual library of symbols—something I co-opted from Jung.
This collection of stop-motion animated loops were executed during a global pandemic in the Fall of 2020. This series was born with the aim to explore symbolic content while staying sheltered in place. The project utilized varied animation techniques with simple mediums such as plasticine, cardboard, paper, acetate, and wood. Each loop was created from a set that could fit on a table top. Loops were executed with a house-hold made production kit: vellum over desk lights and neon posterboards & recycled acetate as backdrops. It marked the beginning of my conscious focus to develop my own visual library of symbols—something I co-opted from Jung.
6. Woman
Community Design
Dinner Confidential was birthed as a forum for womens voices to be heard. As a Creative Director (from 2018-2019) and founding member I developed the visual brand from ground up. The brand system reflected the values of the group and stuck with the team as we grew to host dinners in over 14 cities around the world. At the heart of the visual system was an interlinked woman sign: a symbol of strength through solidarity. At each dinner a different topic would be discussed (Grief, Shame, Sex). Insights would then be shared back worldwide via monthly reports and live analysis sessions. All materials that cascaded out from this (ie: editorial reports, host feild guides, website, socials, branded artwork, etc.) reflected the handmade aesthetic but kept all attendants anonomous.
7. Workshops
Corporate Installations
Showers, Balloons, Ropes, Adventure! It doesn’t sound like corporate workshop— but it is. Featured here are four examples of multi-room takeovers I have concieved designed, produced, & installed in NYC at the Pepsi Innovation Center, Comedy Central (Viacom), Freeform (ABC), and Johnson & Johnson. As an artist and designer I am always utilizing simple objects to stimulate ideas. Each multi-dimensional display is used as a boundary object to express complex strategic ideas such as
highs-and-lows (a big yellow Balloon), release (A blue viynl “Shower” space), tension (Silouettes holding a Rope)
Learn more about my corporate design offerings & experience via linkedin.
8. Hopscotch
Street Concept
An environmental street concept that uses hopscotch as a way to consider different responses in relationship to self and others. Shown on left are concept drawings in ink. Final executions on right were made in chalk and deployed on sidewalks at Tompkins Square Park & Alphabet City, NYC in the Winter of 2017. Each possible “hopscotched sentence” invites someone to contemplate ways in which they emotionally move through the world. The hopscotch structure has a familiar graphical read and an embodied play element. All while addressing more serious subjects such as like forgiveness, acceptance, self-hatred, or fear. An example sentence includes “I am looking for a place inside [YOU/ME] to [LOVE/HATE].”